Marcello Printers

Marcello Printers is an innovative hi-tech black-owned market leader in the field of printing. They aim to become the first choice service providers in the area of Designing, Layout and Printing, recognised and respected by both the industry and our competitors.

Our client wanted a simple, clean and neat design to showcase some of their products and services. Furthermore, they wanted a feature where users could request a quote and where they can follow up via email. We added a call to action button in the hero banner to request a quote and also added a ribbon below the fold for users who missed the first call to action.

One other requirement was that it should be easy for users to contact them, especially from mobile devices. We create simple and easy to use buttons on mobile that can instantly call and email the client.

Have a look on the live website to see everything they have to offer.

Mobile Layout

See the mobile version of the website in this video below.

View the full website here:

View website

View screenshots of the website here: